A la rose Bleue asbl (1050)
0476 64 11 30 patricia.lafourcade@gmail.com
On Facebook
ULB Solbosch, Av Addoph Buyl/Av Jeanne, Bâtiment E1 salle 2 Ixelles
Sun. | 17:00 | Adv. inter. | Patricia |
Sun. | 18:00 | Beginners | Patricia |
Alejandro & Mariana (1150)
+32 496 93 91 59 ale.ramiro.guerra@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
We are a couple of Argentinian tango teachers well known in the milonguero milieu of Buenos Aires. We are part of the cultural movement of Buenos Aires. We represent the tango salon. For us tango is even more than passion for the dance, the music and the poetry; our histories breath tango.
Teaching tango has taught us to adapt to different types of students. We propose tango courses that integrate dance, musicality and connection (that is, connection with oneself, the partner, the music, the floor and the surroundings). We offer tango courses for mixed levels (starting/intermediate), separate courses according to levels (starting, intermediate, advanced), and private lessons. All participants are welcome alone or in couple, and without any distinction of age, genre, or other. We communicate fluently in various languages: ES, FR, EN, NL.
Alejandro & Mariana - Tango au CCCO , Av. du Chant d'Oiseau 40, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Anibal & Valeria (1070)
0488664032 anibalyvaleriatango@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
We are a couple of Argentine dancers and teachers, we represent the traditional style of Buenos Aires with great personality and a touch of youth.
We belong to the last generation formed by real milongueros and grandmasters. The teaching in classes and personal style has led us to travel the world with different shows or as teachers at prestigious festivals (Russia, China, Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, Netherlands, UK, Brazil).
LES CERISIERS, Rue Du Loutrier 57
Tues. | 19:00 | Anibal Lautaro & Valeria Maside | |
Tues. | 20:00 | Inter. | Anibal Lautaro & Valeria Maside |
Tues. | 21:15 | Adv. | Anibal Lautaro & Valeria Maside |
LES CERISIERS, Rue Du Loutrier 57
Mon. | 19:30 | All levels | Anibal & Valeria - Vals Class |
Mon. | 20:45 | All levels | Anibal & Valeria - Closed Embrace Style |
BE-TANGO (1000, 1150)
0498392939 admin@be-tango.com
On Facebook Website
BE-TANGO is one of the most dynamic Argentine tango schools in Brussels capital, with studios in the centre of Brussels and Sint-Pieters-Woluwe.
BE-TANGO CENTRE BRUXELLES, 1, rue Montoyerstraat, 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles
Wed. | 18:30 | Inter. | Sonja & Sven |
Wed. | 19:35 | Adv. | Sonja & Sven |
Wed. | 20:40 | Abs. Beg. | Sonja & Sven |
Fri. | 19:30 | Abs. Beg. | Sven & Donatienne |
Fri. | 20:40 | Abs. Beg. | Sven & Donatienne |
BE-TANGO WOLUWE, Avenue Orban 54, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Tues. | 19:30 | Beginners | Sven & Sonja |
Tues. | 20:40 | Abs. Beg. | Sven & Sonja |
Thur. | 18:30 | Abs. Beg. | Sonja & Sven |
Thur. | 19:35 | Inter. | Sonja & Sven |
Thur. | 20:40 | Adv. inter. | Sonja & Sven |
Daniel & Nathalie (1180)
0486484807-0476597574 drossi@skynet.be
On Facebook Website
Nathalie et Daniel travaillent et dansent ensemble depuis 20 ans. Leur long passé consacré à la danse (classique-hip hop) et à son apprentissage leur ont permis de se dédier à l’enseignement du tango argentin. Un apprentissage fait à buenos aires avec les maestros et milongueros de l'époque leur ont donné une base solide de l'histoire et de la structure du tango.
Leur enseignement est basé sur le corps : il faut comprendre comment se déplace une personne pour pouvoir lui apprendre à marcher correctement. La marche est la structure-même du tango argentin.
Studio Dans'Harmonie, 471, rue Vanderkindere
Thur. | 19:30 | Beginners | Nathalie & Daniel |
Thur. | 20:30 | Adv. inter. | Nathalie & Daniel |
Studio Dans'harmonie , 471, rue Vanderkindere.
Wed. | 19:30 | Inter. | Nathalie & Daniel |
Dante & Monik Dominguez (1000)
+32 0 485682426 dantemonik@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
This charming Argentinian Tango couple has been dancing together for 20 Years. They are multidisciplinary artists, they studied in different areas such as:
Tango Argentino ,Folklore Agentino, contemporary dance, circus and dance theater.
They have studied Tango in Buenos Aires in different academies with world-renowned master dancers.
They are always looking towards new artistic symbiosis and new trends.
Dancers,choreographers,teachers,they are recognized by his own style,interpretation and aptitude to vibrate the body,the heart and the soul !
In 2007, they created their own company Dance / Theatre under the name “Eguimodanz Cie”. Actually they have their own Tango Studio "Studio Empain" in Brussels in the prestigious EMPAIN building And they continue to represent and teach their art "Tango" all over the world.
Tango School Studio Empain , 9 rue de la Presse, 1000 Brussels
Mon. | 19:30 | Tech. 4 women | Dante & Monik Dominguez |
Mon. | 20:30 | Inter. | Dante & Monik Dominguez |
Wed. | 18:30 | Beginners | Dante & Monik Dominguez |
Wed. | 19:45 | Adv. | Dante & Monik Dominguez |
Wed. | 21:00 | Pract. | Dante Monik Dominguez |
Fri. | 19:45 | Inter. | Dante & Monik Dominguez |
Fri. | 21:00 | Pract. | Dante & Monik Dominguez |
Detangosetrata (1000, 1050)
0473/503405 detangosetrata@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
Tango Estilo Rioplatense en Bruselas!
Tango classes for starters and intermediate/advanced dancers
Private classes
Tango fashion for him&her
De Markten, Oude Graanmarkt 5, 1000 Brussel
Sat. | 17:00 | All levels | Invitated instructors @ SandrinaDh |
Tangobar 'El Lunes', Rue de Dublin 13, 1050 Bruxelles, 1050 Brussel
Mon. | 18:00 | Beginners | Sandrina Dh & Daniele Galiazzo |
Mon. | 19:15 | Adv. inter. | Sandrina Dh & Daniele Galiazzo |
El Ardoroso (1700)
0478/66.19.02 info@tangodansen.be
On Facebook Website
El Ardoroso - Tango Argentino
Professionele tangoschool, actief in Antwerpen, Mechelen, Mortsel & Dilbeek
Kasteel La Motte, Lumbeekstraat 20, 1700 Dilbeek
Thur. | 20:00 | Abs. Beg. | Steven & Marleen |
Thur. | 21:00 | Inter. | Steven & Marleen |
Gisela y Sergio (1060, 1030)
0479 43 84 07 tango.giselaysergio@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
Pianofabriek, 35 Rue du Fort, 1060 Bruxelles
Mon. | 19:30 | Adv. inter. | Gisela y Sergio |
Mon. | 20:30 | Inter. | Gisela y Sergio |
Salle Plasky, 139 Av Emile Max, 1030 Bruxelles
Wed. | 20:00 | Adv. inter. | Gisela y Sergio |
La Tangueria (1080, 1050)
+32 (0)479/228698 tangueria@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
La Tangueria: puro tango since 1996. Classes at 7 levels, class for students and juniors.
We teach in our venue close to Simonis and Elisabeth.
Our milongas are renown in Belgium and beyond.
We host the Brussels Tango Festival and Marathon.
Visit our large collection of tango shoes and clothes.
La Tangueria, 239 Chaussée de Jette, 1080 Molenbeek
Mon. | 19:00 | Experts | Marisa & Oliver - Level 5 (room ground floor) |
Mon. | 19:10 | Abs. Beg. | Tamara & Victor - Level 1 (room upstairs) |
Mon. | 20:30 | Pract. | Practica (free, no teachers) |
Mon. | 20:30 | Experts | Marisa & Oliver - Level 6 (room ground floor) |
Tues. | 19:00 | Adv. | Marisa & Oliver - Level 4 (room ground floor) |
Tues. | 19:10 | Abs. Beg. | Tamara & Victor - Level 1 (room upstairs) |
Tues. | 20:30 | Experts | Marisa & Oliver - Level 5 (room ground floor) |
Wed. | 19:00 | Adv. | Marisa & Gaetan - Level 4 (room ground floor) |
Wed. | 19:00 | Beginners | Tamara & Victor - Level 2 (room upstairs) |
Wed. | 20:30 | Abs. Beg. | Tamara & Victor - Level 1 (room upstairs) |
Wed. | 20:30 | Adv. inter. | Marisa & Gaetan - Level 3 (room ground floor) |
Thur. | 19:00 | Adv. inter. | Marisa & Gaetan - Level 3 (room ground floor) |
Thur. | 19:00 | Pract. | Free, no teachers (room upstairs, till 22:00) |
Thur. | 19:10 | Abs. Beg. | Tamara & Victor - Level 1 (room upstairs) |
Thur. | 20:30 | Adv. | Marisa & Gaetan - Level 4 (room ground floor) |
Sun. | 15:15 | All levels | Marisa & Oliver - semi-private coaching or thematic workshop (room ground floor) |
Sun. | 17:00 | Abs. Beg. | Tamara & Victor - Level 1 (room upstairs) |
La Tangueria XL, 16, rue d'Edimbourg (c/o Jogo Vivo)
Tues. | 19:00 | Abs. Beg. | With a minimum of 7 registered couples, we propose a beginners class in Ixelles. |
Milonga Hope (1000)
+32486587330 kenny.stelandre@gmail.com
On Facebook
Les cours de tango Argentin sont axés sur certains principes qui permettent de vivre l’Unité a deux dans la danse. Les transferts de poids, les pas glissés, l’ancrage et la tension vers le haut, la connexion à l’autre et l’étreinte avec sa dynamique d’abandon à la résistance permettent une approche non-communicationnelle, non-mentale, un état ou bien vite il n’y a pas de guideur et de guidée mais bien une entité dansante Unifié. Comme l’appren-tissage ce fait directement par incorporation des dynamiques permettant la danse, les cours donnent accès rapidement et assez facilement à la joie du tango. Evidemment le tango Argentin est une danse complexe, avec un lexique de pas impressionnant, ceci étant, le plaisir d’être un dans le mouvement, de se mouvoir ensemble au millimètre dans une forme de transe dansé qui permet l’expérimentation de toutes les émotions est aisément et simplement acquise !
KFK Hope, Rue des poissonniers 21, 1000 Bruxelles
Tues. | 17:30 | All levels | Kenny |
Nosotros Tango (1040, 1050, 1180)
0486960133 cours.nosotros@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
Chez Nosotros Tango, apprendre à danser le Tango est surtout une affaire de plaisir !
Nouvelle session du 2 septembre au 13 décembre 2018
Le Cercle, Rue Doyen Boone 4 / 6, 1040 Etterbeek
Thur. | 19:00 | Adv. | Muriel et Cyrille |
Bayres53, Avenue du Bois de la Cambre 53 à 1050 Ixelles
Mon. | 19:00 | Eugenia & Bregje | |
Mon. | 20:14 | Inter. | Eugenia & Bregje |
Tues. | 19:30 | Beginners | Eugenia & Norah |
Tues. | 20:30 | Adv. | Andrés & Eugenia |
Wed. | 19:00 | Adv. inter. | Eugenia & Muriel |
Wed. | 20:45 | Inter. | Eugenia & Muriel |
Het Huys, Egide Van Ophemstraat 46 - Uccle
Sun. | 17:00 | Beginners | Eugenia & Norah |
Sun. | 18:00 | Abs. Beg. | Eugenia & Norah |
Sergio Wolf (1040)
0032-471-611343 sergiowolf2x4@gmail.com
On Facebook Flyer
Actuellement il enseigne à Bruxelles,Lille, Liège,Anvers et à Eupen.
Il suive la pédagogie de Carlos Perez & Rosa Forte qui mettent toujours l’accent sur le confort de l’ABRAZO, la CONNEXION du couple, LA POSTURE et l’ancrage avec LE SOL. Les séquences et les figures ne sont que la conséquence de ces premiers. Leur approche met en premier plan également la MUSICALITÉ et l’ÉLÉGANCE, ainsi que la transmission des bases techniques sur lesquelles reposent les meilleurs moments que nous vivons dans un tango !
COURS AVEC SERGIO WOLF & TINA RICCARDI, SUIVI DE LA MILONGA "PATIO DE TANGO"! Bouche à Oreille, Félix Hapstraat 11, Etterbeek, Belgium
Tango Awareness (1050)
+32497890021 wespirit@hotmail.com
On Facebook Website
Tarquino Tango is an independent Tango dance school known for its very practical teachings and methodology.
The general focus is put on the development of a "dancer", where mechanisms of movement and communication and general awareness the main assets are.
Besides Classes, practica's and milonga's is Tarquino also active as an Argentine Tango Shoe brand. There unique designs are an inspiration for everyone and they are characterized by huge comfort and quality.
Flagey, Rue du belvédère 27, Ixelles
Sun. | 14:30 | All levels | Wes & Assistant |
Tango des Nuages (1140, 1000, 1200)
0485273011 tangodesnuages@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
CC d’Evere l’Entrela, Rue Mattheusens 60, 1140 Bruxelles
Thur. | 18:30 | Beginners | Manu |
Thur. | 20:00 | Inter. | Manu |
Café Lava, Rue Saint-Christophe 20
Mon. | 19:00 | Abs. Beg. | Manu |
Bal d'Art, Rue Saint Henri, 61
Wed. | 18:30 | Abs. Beg. | Manu |
Tango Positivo Brussels (1040)
0479 847 856 roxinatango[at]posteo.be
On Facebook Website
Our experienced teachers give group and private classes from tango argentino to neotango. To beginners and advanced dancers. Tango Positivo is a new way to learn tango based on a method of flow in movement, musicality and dancing in both roles. The pleasure of dance and a friendly warm atmosphere await you!
Salle Le Cercle, Rue Doyen Boone 6, 1040 Brussels
Mon. | 19:15 | Inter. | Roxina & Francesco |
Mon. | 20:30 | Pract. | TangoPositivo team |
Tues. | 19:30 | Inter. | Roxina & Francesco |
Dance Studio 51, Rue des Francs 51, 1040 Bruxelles
Tues. | 19:00 | Abs. Beg. | RoxinaTango |
Tues. | 20:15 | Tech. | RoxinaTango |
Salle Ernest Richard, Avenue de la Chasse 210, Bruxelles
Thur. | 19:30 | Beginners | Roxina & Jonathan |
Tangobar (1050)
0497028543 silverrivertango@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
Bien plus qu'une danse, le tango est un authentique dialogue de soi à soi, de soi à l'autre, du couple à la musique. Un apprentissage qui vous entraînera plus loin que vous ne l'imaginez...
Tangobar, 13 Rue de dublin, 1050 Bruxelles
Wed. | 19:00 | Abs. Beg. | Tina & Andres |
Wed. | 20:00 | Adv. inter. | Tina & Andres |
TangoFrisson (1160)
0495/457557 daniela2TA@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
Private tuition for 1, 2, 4 or 6 persons (of same level ). For beginners and intermediates Good mix of fun , technique and learning. Trial lesson without any commitment .
On appointment only. The teacher has acquired large experience since many years in tango teaching.
Classes of tango, vals and milonga. Discount for season ticket.
Daniela speaks FR, NL, UK , SP and also GR .
Nice room with mirrors, wooden floor , Rue valduc, 1160 Brussels
Mon. | 19:30 | All levels | Daniela |
Tues. | 19:00 | Beginners | Daniela |
Thur. | 19:30 | Inter. | Daniela |
Sun. | 17:30 | Beginners | Daniela |
Sun. | 19:30 | All levels | Daniela |
Tangoquerido (1180, 1050, 1040)
0032477610302 tangoquerido.tina@gmail.com
On Facebook Website
"comprendre l'essentiel pour mieux danser"
"plus libre, plus détendue, plus sûre, donc, plus de plaisir". Tina
Maison Robert Jones, Rue Robert Jones 45
Tues. | 19:30 | Beginners | Tina Riccardi & Sergio Wolf |
Tango Bar, Rue de Dublin 13
Wed. | 19:00 | Abs. Beg. | Tina Riccardi & Andrès Surra |
Wed. | 20:00 | Adv. inter. | Tina Riccardi & Andrès Surra |
Sergio home, Bdl.Louis Schmidt 4
Thur. | 19:00 | Adv. inter. | Tina Riccardi & Sergio Wolf |
Thur. | 20:15 | Adv. inter. | Tina Riccardi & Sergio Wolf |
Argentine Tango courses in Brussels region
Les cours de tango argentin dans la région de Bruxelles
Argentijnse Tango cursussen in de buurt van Brussel
Cursos de Tango argentino en Bruselas
Corsi di Tango a Bruxelles
Kursy Tango w Brukseli
Танго курÑов в БрюÑÑеле
Tango μαθήματα στις Î’ÏυξÎλλες
Tango kurser i Bryssel
Tango kurssit Brysselissä
Танго курÑове в БрюкÑел
Brüksel’de Tango dersleri
브뤼셀ì—ì„œ íƒ±ê³ ê°•ì¢Œ
التانغو دورات ÙÙŠ بروكسل
×§×•×¨×¡×™× ×˜× ×’×• בבריסל
Tango tanfolyamok Brüsszelben
دوره های تانگو در بروکسل
Cursos de Tango em Bruxelas
Танго курÑів у БрюÑÑелі