Very famous dancers, they were among the first to use tango as a therapeutic tool,
who are they ?
The answer was LOS DINZEL !
They were a very famous couple composed of Gloria Ines Varo and Carlos Rodolfo Dinzelbacher.
Formed in 1972, they stayed together until the end of their career. Rodolfo died in 2015 and Gloria died only a few days ago
They danced in the famous show “Tango Argentino†that made the tango popular in Europe during the 80’s.
They were among the first to use Tango as a therapeutic tool for patients the Parkinson, young people with the Down syndrome, and other cases.
They also wrote a lot about Tango, analyzing it, decomposing it !
Gloria and Rodolfo dancing in 2003
A the peak of their glory, dancing in Washington
An interview with them
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